Traveling around the world allows you not only to see new places but also to try different countries’ most famous foods. A great way to experience a nation’s unique cuisine, each location has different best-known dishes that will vary depending on the area. For those hoping to learn more about a place’s culture, sharing a meal with locals is a great option.
12 Most Famous Foods of Texas
Famous for its world-class BBQ, Tex-Mex, and fried everything, if there’s one thing Texas is serious about its food. Texans, in fact, are so serious about fried dishes that they’ll even fry their drinks (yes, fried beer and margaritas are a thing). Home to hearty meals with a south-of-the-border kick, it’s nearly impossible to visit …
Famous Food by American State
A large nation with multiple regions, American food has been influenced by numerous factors. Each state in the US is famous for meals that greatly differ by region. While coastal areas often favor seafood dishes, you’ll find heartier fares often reigning supreme in The South.
Famous Food by Country
With 195 countries worth of cuisine to try, knowing what to eat when you arrive can seem overwhelming. However, narrowing down to the most well-known dishes can make it easier to decide what to put on your plate.
Foods & Drinks by Country
A country’s cuisine isn’t just its most renowned items, and sometimes you may want to know more about the culture behind it. For foodies, a big portion of traveling is often centered on trying meals and drinks you can only taste there.